THIRSTY 8 (Zarling/Laitinen)

Pastor Laitinen and Pastor Zarling examine Jonah 4, the prophecies of Joel and 1 Thessalonians 1. One of the things we discuss is how the book of Jonah ends with a question causing us to examine our own hearts. God is a gracious and compassionate God. He has compassion and grace upon us. He wants us to share that grace and compassion with others.

Examine your heart. Why are you not sharing God’s grace with others? Is it laziness, apathy, indifference, busyness, anger, fear, or something else? Bring those attitudes to the Lord of grace and compassion. Let his love wash over you. When you are once again appreciative of God’s grace and compassion to you for Jesus’ sake, the Holy Spirit will move you to have that same kind of grace and compassion upon others. … Hopefully without covering you with fish vomit first.

Stay thirsty, my friends. Quench that thirst in the Water of Life