Membership at Water of Life
Membership Benefits
We invite you to consider church membership at Water of Life. Everyone needs a church home to feed and protect their souls. It's free and there are many important reasons why people request membership:
The Bible wants you connected to a church family
You are eligible to receive Holy Communion
There are people to care/pray for you
You receive personalized pastoral care
You have a place to serve and meet Christian friends
We provide Christian education for adults and children
You receive reduced tuition at Wisconsin Lutheran School and Shoreland Lutheran High School
You have the benefit of hospital visitations, weddings or funerals
You have found a caring place to belong
Exciting ministries for families, teenagers, senior citizens, etc.
How do I join Water of Life?
Are you new to the Lutheran Church?
Contact us for a tour of one or both campus locations and meeting so that we can answer any questions you many have. We will share with you what our church believes and practices through a Bible Inquirer's Class. The course is designed to give the attendees an overview of the basic teachings of the Bible. The course uses the outline of the traditional worship service of the Christian Church. The intent is that the attendees will grow in faith and knowledge of Christian teachings as well as in understanding and appreciation of the worship of the Church.
The class is based on this premise: "What we believe influences how we worship, and how we worship reflects what we believe."
Find out how easy and important it is to be a member and find your place here!
Are you a WELS or ELS member?
Contact the church office to simply "transfer" your church membership to Water of Life by setting up an appointment for a tour, a meeting, and to sign membership papers. We will show you where to fit in our congregation of energized Christian believers.