CW 652 – Lord, Have Mercy
During the Sundays in Lent, we are singing a newer hymn at Water of Life titled, “Lord, Have Mercy.” It is number 652 in our Christian Worship hymnal. The hymnal lists the authors as Matt Papa, Aaron Keyes, James Tealy, and Matt Boswell. The hymn, “Lord, Have Mercy” is taking the place of the Kyrie Eleison, or “Lord, Have Mercy,” in our Lutheran liturgy.
Kyrie Eleison can be a brief or long, contemplative prayer. It focuses on two things – our human, fallible needs and God’s invaluable, undeserved love. We owe God everything. God owes us nothing. We come to God with nothing, and he gives us everything we need. Everything God gives, he gives from his mercy.
Because we pray the Kyrie Eleison so often in our churches, this prayer may become so familiar that we forget to concentrate on the meaning of this ancient prayer. Sometimes adding a fresh melody can provide new life and meaning to an ancient text. I believe “Lord, Have Mercy” does that with the Kyrie Eleison.
Verse one: For what we have done and left undone we fall on your countless mercies. For sins that are known and those unknown we call on your name so holy. For envy and pride, for closing our eyes; for scorning our very neighbor. In thought, word, and deed we’ve failed you, our King; how deeply we need a Savior.
The refrain: Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us.
Praying for mercy means that God is greater than we are. It means we’ve done something wrong. It means we’ve been up to no good and we need to apologize to the One we have offended. We need to confess all our sins to our holy and just God – what we’ve knowingly committed; what we’ve unknowingly committed; what we’ve done wrong; and what we’ve failed to do right.
Verse two: For what you have done, your life of love you perfectly lived, we praise you. Though tempted and tried, you fixed your eyes; you finished the work God gave you. And there on the tree, a King among thieves, you bled for a world’s betrayal. You loved to the end, our merciful friend; how pure and forever faithful.
The refrain: Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us.
Amazingly, despite our failure, despite our disgusting disease of sin, our Lord does not withhold his mercy. With his almighty Word, his holy water of Baptism, and his precious body and blood, he responds to our cries for mercy. With these Means of Grace, the Lord finds us who were lost. He heals our diseases. He restores our souls. He cleanses our leprosy.
Jesus took our sin sickness upon himself. He was wounded for our unthankfulness. He was bruised for our lack of worship. He was chastised for our self-centeredness. Jesus descended from heaven, was raised upon the cross, rose from the tomb, and ascended back into heaven, all so we might become the objects of his mercy.
Our cries for mercy would be empty if we did not have a Savior who went to the cross to pay for these sins. These words would be hollow if God the Father did not accept his Son’s redeeming sacrifice by raising him from the dead on the third day. These words would be meaningless if the Holy Spirit did not create faith in our heart to repent and relent of our sins and accept Christ’s sacrificial death and glorious resurrection.
Verse three: For hearts that are cold, for seizing control; for scorning our very maker. In thought, word, and deed we’ve failed you, our King; how deeply we need a Savior.
The refrain: Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy on us.
We need mercy. For we are sick with sin. This sickness pervades our mind. It permeates our body. It penetrates our soul. Sin affects our mood, so we are grumpy and impatient. It causes our body to fall apart and die. It pollutes our tongues, so we belittle and gossip.
That is why we continually cry out in unison throughout our Lutheran liturgies, “Lord, have mercy!” Our liturgy puts right our wrong and brings us back to where we belong. Calling out for, and receiving, our Lord’s promised mercy.
When we know what to pray for, we can say, “Lord, have mercy.” When we see tremendous tragedy or bitter affliction or consistent suffering, we may not know what to pray, so we say, “Lord, have mercy.” When we recognize our sin and we rejoice in our Savior, we can say, “Lord, have mercy.” This new melody with fresh words connected to an ancient prayer is a painful, yet beautiful song. Lord, have mercy.