THIRSTY 51 (Wagner / Laitinen / Zarling)

This week Pastor Laitinen and Pastor Zarling interviewed Pastor Mark Wagner, who is currently serving as the vacancy pastor at Water of Life. We discuss his various ministries before his retirement, and then spend time talking about the craft of preaching. 

Countless animals died under the priestly knife as generations of the faithful brought lamb after lamb to the temple. Over and over a substitute stood in the place of the sinner. We discussed Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God that John the Baptist points to in the desert in John 1:29-41. Then we discussed circumcision and its connection to baptism in Colossians 2:6-15. 

 Please like, comment, and share. Let the one who is thirsty come. Let the one who wants the water of life take it as a gift. Stay thirsty, my friends. Quench that thirst in the Water of Life.