With all due respect to the guests on our previous episodes, this latest episode was our best and most fun. This week Pastor Laitinen and Pastor Zarling interviewed their wives, Abbie Laitinen and Shelley Zarling. The ladies answered questions about raising all boys in the Laitinen family and all girls in the Zarling family; how to listen to the pastor when he’s your husband (and you might not be getting along with him so well that Sunday); and balancing ministry and family life.
Matthew describes Christmas from Joseph’s point of view. We heard that viewpoint the fourth Sunday in Advent. Luke describes Christmas from Mary’s point of view. We hear Luke’s viewpoint on Christmas Eve. John describes Christmas from God’s point of view. We hear that viewpoint on Christmas morning. We study the Christmas Gospel and Epistle of John 1:1-14 and Hebrews 1:1-9. Both Scripture readings answer the question: Why is it important that the Word became flesh and dwelled among us?
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