This week Pastor Laitinen and Pastor Zarling interview Pastor John Roekle who serves at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Racine, WI. We discuss the shared ministry of First Evan and Water of Life churches as they have been jointly operating Wisconsin Lutheran School in Racine for almost 50 years. We also discuss the two versions of the beginning of Epiphany (now Water of Life/Pastor Zarling’s church) from First Evan over 90 years ago and the blessings that have come from that beginning.
We study what it means to be lost and found in Jesus’ two parables in Luke 15:1-10. We also examine the rejoicing that happens in heaven when sinners repent and receive Christ’s blood-bough forgiveness. We also study how pointing out sin, calling to repentance, and announcing forgiveness is the highest calling of Christians in 2 Corinthians 2:5-11.
Let the one who is thirsty come. Let the one who wants the water of life take it as a gift. Stay thirsty, my friends. Quench that thirst in the Water of Life.