THIRSTY 18 (Zarling Schmidt Laitinen)

This week Pastor Laitinen and Pastor Zarling interview Pastor Brian Schmidt who serves at Trinity Lutheran Church in Caledonia, WI. In his first congregation out of the Seminary, Pastor Schmidt had served in a multi-site church. We discuss the unique opportunities and challenges of this unique ministry model. We also talk about why other churches might want to look at merging and multi-sites.   
They examine John 10:22-30 and Revelation 7:9-17 for Good Shepherd Sunday. They spend time applying Jesus’ words at the bottom of the stained-glass Good Shepherd window at Pastor Zarling’s church, ““No one will snatch them out of my hand.” They also study St. John’s vision of the saints streaming into heaven. They answer the deep question, “Is heaven filled with ice cream, roller coasters, and puppies?” (That’s from a chapel devotion Pastor Laitinen had with grade school students this week.) 
Stay thirsty, my friends. Quench that thirst in the Water of Life.