What to Expect


It is truly an honor to worship our Savior Jesus! Here at Epiphany, we follow an order of worship called a "liturgy." It is simply an organized way of worshiping every Sunday with continuity, yet variety. The Christian Church has used various liturgies for thousands of years. We join with our fellow believers, past, present and future as we worship our Lord in a fitting and orderly way (1 Corinthians 14:40). Our service is conveniently printed out in the bulletin, while the psalms and hymns are found in the hymnals.

We also follow the Christian Church Year at Epiphany. This keeps our worship always focused on the life, work and words of Jesus Christ. We celebrate the three main festivals of the Church Year - Christmas, Easter and Pentecost. Using these three festivals and the rest of the Church Year helps us review Jesus' birth, miracles, teachings, suffering, death and resurrection, as well as the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing us to faith and keeping us in that faith.

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
— 1 Corinthians 14:40

There are six parts to our worship service:

  • Praise God
    We come to thank God through responses and song for His spiritual and earthly blessings He richly gives us.
  • Confession and Absolution
    We come to confess our personal sins to God and to hear the glorious forgiveness proclaimed.
  • Hear and Learn God's Word
    Through Bible readings and sermon, God gives us His powerful Word that changes our hearts for eternity.
  • Offering
    Our members support our Gospel work here at Epiphany and throughout the world; a visitor does not need to feel obligated to contribute.
  • Prayers
    we pray for each worshiper and for the special needs of our congregation knowing God hears and answers our prayers.
  • Blessing
    Before we leave, the pastor asks for the Lord to grant His special blessings upon the worshipers for another week.  

Attending with Small Children

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me ." (Matthew 19:14). We love to have children in our service, worshiping Jesus with their parents and siblings. Every Sunday our pastor provides a Children's Devotion right before the sermon. The Children's Devotion is meant for all the younger children as Jesus speaks directly to them.

Epiphany also provides a staffed nursery in the church basement for the 10:30 AM Sunday worship service. There are also crayons and special children's bulletins specific to each Sunday's worship that children can bring into the church with them. Epiphany's upstairs bathrooms also have changing tables for parents with very young children.

We know how difficult it can be to bring young children to church, but it is very important to do so.

Please read this article by our pastor on the importance of bringing your young children to church with you.


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