Hello WLS Families!
The Home and School Carnival is coming up on March 9th! There will be games to play, prizes to win, baked goods and food to purchases, and baskets to bid on! The carnival takes place in the FEC (gym) at 747 Grand Avenue, Racine.
We are looking for various donations to make this a success! Please donate items needed or volunteer your time to help it all run smoothly!
1. We are in need of donated baked goods to sell at the Bake Sale.
2. We will have themed gift baskets to raffle off. Your child's classroom will be given a theme. You can donate an item from that theme for the raffle basket!
3. You can donate your time in helping run games, sell food, set up/clean up, etc. on the big day!
Watch for notes in the next couple of days with the contact people and dates to turn in those various donations.
Thank you for your help and support of Wisconsin Lutheran School!